Nature arts by Angela McLeod

Who We Are

Highlights of What We Do

One-on-One Work with Spring or Joe

Living Song Mentorship (with Spring): Nurture an intimate relationship with oneself through voice, self-expression and musical creativity. Anyone at any age may join. No prior musical background necessary.

Resonant Facilitation (with Spring): Gain deeper self-awareness and discover the holistic wisdom inherent in your unique, embodied experience of life.

Feelingwork (with Joe): Become the mapmaker of your own life’s path through enhanced observation of the hidden architecture of feeling.

Memoir | Writings | Music

You are invited to subscribe to Spring’s writing channel, Earth Song. In her memoir, Spring tells the story of her quest to re-enliven the lost art of Taoist myth and magic while healing from the traumas of colonization and patriarchy. Integrating personal stories with philosophical commentary, Earth Song shows a holistic paradigm of meaning-making weaving through love, power, sexuality, spirituality and some of the most challenging topics of our time. In addition to the memoir, the Earth Song channel also includes Spring’s essays and music.

Nature Art by Angela McLeod

Living Resonance Leadership

Certificate and Degree Program

Resonance Path provides Living Resonance Leadership certificate program, offering training in the art and science of engaging resonance for psychological and cultural regeneration.

Course materials in the program may also count towards the MA/PhD degree at Ubiquity University. This program is offered in both Chinese and English.

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